Products and services


Alcazar Q - Market Analysis

Develop your own trading strategies and gain insights into market developments with our on-demand service. Orientate your portfolio analysis and risk management and implement quantitative models

Learn more about Alcazar Q with our case example


Alcazar Pi - Intelligence Reports

Uncover price-sensitive strategic trading opportunities with our forward-looking market-oriented intelligence reports

Register here to learn more about predictive intelligence reports


Alcazar Sigma - Price Forecasts

Make strategic decisions with our opportunity-cost based commodity price forecasts

Register here to learn more about Sigma


Alcazar H2 - Hydrogen Consultancy

Find your niche in the burgeoning hydrogen economy.  Quantify your risk in hydrogen investments, learn about the value-added chain and how new developments affect you

Learn more about H2 with our case studies and free expert papers


Alcazar Sage – Commodities Research

Fill knowledge gaps in your energy markets landscape in order to make more accurate and decisive investment decisions

Register here to learn more about Sage


Alcazar CID - Carbon Intensity Analysis

Unfold the evolution of the carbon intensity of electricity and its impact on energy markets, with our trademarked Carbon Intensity Day Index

Register here to learn more about CID

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